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Happy Birthday!

On the 26th of November our laboratory celebrated the 3rd birthday. The abbreviation of the laboratory’s title is translated in English as “an elephant”. That is why the elephant has become our “totemic animal” and we collect all the possible images of it.

The Weakest Point of the New “Education Law” Is Academic Mobility

The academic community is a living system and it can not develop without the afflux of the new ideas. For Russia it is a point of high importance as right now the country is integrating into the international educational system. How does the new law “About Education” regulate academic mobility? The interview with professor of sociology and Associate Director for Research of the Higher School of Economics (SPb) Daniel A. Alexandrov.

Veronica Kostenko about TRANSMIG Conference in Stockholm

On the 12th of November Veronica Kostenko told the colleagues from the laboratory about the TRANSMIG conference, CEIFO, Stockholm University she has participated in. «TRANSMIG: Transnational Practices in Migration» conference was held in Stockholm in November 4-5.

I Know Some Nobel Prize Winners Who Refused to Participate

Daniel Alexandrov, professor of the Higher School of Economics, told us why the state should finance social sciences and who has a chance to get this money.

"Parallel St.Petesburg" Exhibition

SESL took part in the creation of an interactive exhibition “Parallel Saint-Petersburg” in the framework of the “Children’s days in Saint-Petersburg” festival. The exhibition is devoted to migrant children and teenagers of different nationalities whose families have been living in Saint-Petersburg for many years.

A meeting with Mexican and Brazilian guests: Alma Maldonado-Maldonado and Simon Schwartzman

SESL greeted Alma Maldonado-Maldonado from Mexico and Simon Schwartzman from Brazil who came to Saint-Petersburg after an international conference organized by HSE on October 27th 2010.

SESL researchers used to go to India for working and studying, but now Indian guests are coming to SESL!

SESL researchers used to go to India for working and studying, but now Indian guests are coming to SESL!

Conquering Sweden. Interview with Evgeniy Kochkin

SESL researcher Evgeniy Kochkin, well-known for his trips to India, is conquering Sweden right now. He entered a 2-year master’s program «International Development and Management» at Lund University founded more than 350 years ago. We asked Zhenya about his studies and future plans via Skype.

Fieldwork 2007

Ksenia Tenisheva and Natalya Mudrova: 2007 Fieldwork.

Fieldwork 2006

Anna Agafonofa and Olga Vasilyeva: 2006 Fieldwork.