Conference "Statistical Methods in the Analysis of Economics and Society"
The 6th International Scientific Conference of students and postgraduates, "Statistical Methods in the Analysis of Economics and Society”, was held at the Department of Economic Sciences of the HSE on the 12th to the 15th of May, 2015. This year, members of the SELS staff were participating in the conference for the first time.
Self-Regulation of the Russian “Science”
On April, 6, SESL hosted a meeting with Professor Andrey Rostovtsev, Dr. Sci. in Physics and Mathematics and a co-founder of the Free Network Community Dissernet. The meeting was attended mostly by the bachelors of the Department of Sociology, and staff of the HSE and SESL.
SESL Research Assistants Take Part in the First St Petersburg R User Group
The first meeting of the St Petersburg R User Group took place on March 28th. This group brings together experts who use the programming language R for statistical modelling in their research. The format of the meetings of the R User Group suggests that the community members propose potentially interesting topics for their presentations, and the meetings are mostly used for sharing findings and for networking. Even though Data Science is an area mostly for mathematicians, engineers and analysts, several HSE students and research assistants of SESL took part in the latest meeting.
Lectures By Ingmar Weber On Computational Social Science
Ingmar Bergman visited the HSE campus in St Petersburg on March 16th, 2015 at the SESL. He met with students and gave two lectures at both campuses, on Sedov Str. and Kantemirovskaya Str. His main goal was to tell the students about the new inter-disciplinary research field, Computational Social Science (CSS). CSS provides a link between the theoretical base of social sciences and computerized methods of analysis for quantitative data.
Tom Snijders in the Higher School of Economics
Tom Snijders, a well-known sociologist and statistician, Professor at the University of Oxford (UK), Emeritus Fellow of Nuffield Collegeand Professor at the University of Groningen, visited the St. Petersburg campus of the HSE and met with students and staff. By the SESL invitation, he visited the HSE building at Sedov Str. on Thursday, March 12, 2015.
Spatial Econometrics in Wuppertal
Ksenia Tenisheva has recently returned from her two-week trip to Wuppertal.
The European Conference on Educational Research
Ksenia Tenisheva and Svetlana Savelieva have recently returned from ECER-2014, which was held in Porto (Portugal).
Summer Practice 2014
As usual, our laboratory went on a field trip this summer. We continued our studies of small towns. Last year, we selected one of the most successfully developing cities in the Leningrad region. This time, we went to an industrial town whose town-forming enterprise ceased to exist not long ago. Using this town as an example, we decided to examine what happens to the town in the process of its de-industrialization, and how the local residents organize themselves to solve their problems.
Sociology on the Internet
Between the 8th and 11th of June, the International Conference on Computational Social Science was held in Helsinki. The conference was organized by the Aalto University.
International Colloquium on Scientometrics
The SELS staff and the Department of Sociology students have attended an international colloquium on scientometrics, which took place in Helsinki (Finland).