Evgeny Kochkin’s presentation at the conference "Engendering and Degendering South Asian Studies"
Evgeny Kochkin presented his report "Gender Bias in Educational Expectations of Children from Indian Rural Area" at the conference dedicated to South-Asian studies at Humboldt University.
SESL researchers presented the results of the largest research on migrant children in St.Petersburg
The director of the Sociology of Education and Science Laboratory Daniel Alexandrov, senior researchers Valeria Ivanuishina and Vlada Baranova have reported about the largest and most detailed study of migrant children in Saint-Petersburg in recent years.
International Round-Table Conference on Environmental History
On May, 13th the National Research University-Higher School of Economics at St. Petersburg hosted the international round table on environmental history, organized by SESL and the Department of Humanities.
Opportunities for academic cooperation with universities of Germany
In March, 2011 Daniel A. Alexandrov, deputy head of St. Petersburg branch of the National Research University-Higher School of Economics (HSE) in science and director of the Sociology of Education and Science Laboratory, visited the Universities of Frankfurt, Mannheim and Bamberg.
Consultations on social network analysis by specialists from University of Groningen
Intensive seminars on social network analysis (SNA) held by specialists from University of Groningen, Netherlands, took place at the Sociology of Education and Science Laboratory (SESL) in the middle of April.
The Second Seminar on PowerPoint
On April, 18 Daniel Alexandrov held the second seminar on PowerPoint at the Laboratory.
April 11 - 13. Prominent scholars from Groningen held master-classes in SESL
On April 11-13 intensive seminars on network analysis were held in the Laboratory. They were held by invited specialists in this field from the University of Groningen.
A.Semenov held a public seminar on network analysis
On April, 8, 2011 a public seminar on network analysis was held in the Laboratory. It was delivered by Alexander Semenov, Ph.D. student at HSE in Moscow. The seminar was organized to study the basics of ERGM (p*) – Exponential Random Graph Models.
Master-class on PowerPoint
On Monday, April 4, the staff of the Laboratory learned about some new tools and options of multimedia presentations in MS Office PowerPoint.
SESL Participated in Inter-University Student Conference
On the 1st of April, Inter-university student conference was held in the HSE, St Petersburg. The conference was combined of 7 sections, one of them was organized and conducted by SESL. Our researchers have also made reports in other sections.