The birth of an evergrowing Elephant
One might question our sanity, and not see any connection between a sociological laboratory and elephants, and rightfully so. It is due to the language barrier that this wordplay remains unclear to our English-speaking readers. If you take the first letters of the name of our laboratory in Russian, which is Laboratoria (Laboratory) Sotsiologii (of Sociology) Obrazovania (in Education) I Nauki (and Science), you will get letters L, S, O, and N. Together, they make SLON, which in Russian means “elephant”. This is precisely why we have been using this nickname for ourselves, and why you see the little elephant figure in the top left corner of our website. Besides, elephants are great animals, known for their social complexity and strong family bonds, so why not them?
Svetlana Savelyeva, the deputy head of the Laboratory of Sociology in Education and Science, has been there from the very beginning, and witnessed its development throughout the years. Read her story to learn more about the history of SLON and its first expeditions, and find out how we started our research on schools.
Sociology in Education and Science Laboratory on the ID Conference
In the middle of October 2019, a big conference took place: the ID Conference, dedicated to the subjects of migration and diversity. Sociology in Education and Science Laboratory has organized a whole section on this conference - a section on «Migration, inequality, and identity», as well as presented works by Daniel Alexandrov and Svetlana Savelieva.
What topics were discussed in this section, why we need to talk about migration, and why it’s important to look at both theoretical and practical sides of it - you can read in new material.
Sociology in Education and Science Laboratory on an International Conference
The Fifth International Conference on contemporary problems of migrations has been held in Moscow on September 26 and 27, 2019. SESL has attended the conference as an invited participant: Ksenia Tenisheva has presented work on Migrant children in Russian Schools and came back with interesting news.
Laboratory project group conference
On June 27, the Laboratory held a conference for its research groups that had been working on various projects throughout the year. Our student researchers have presented their findings on a whole variety of topics, including sex education, bullying and cyberbullying in adolescents, parental involvement in the education of children, school choice, and gender stereotypes among teachers.
Vocational guidance for schoolchildren in St. Petersburg
On February, 28, 2019, Daniel A. Alexandrov have announced the results of our research on the Saint Petersburg youth vocational guidance system to the listeners of the Saint-Petersburg International Labor Forum.
Laboratory at European Association for Education Law and Policy International Conference
The Laboratory has presented its report on the “School choice” project at the International Conference held by the European Association for Education Law and Policy (ELA) in Lisbon.

Sociology in Education and Science Laboratory working with vocational schools
The laboratory has been researching risk behaviours of adolescents for quite a long time. We have been using methods of social network analysis that allow us to track the changes in behaviours and relations of young people who study together.
European Association for Research on Adolescence Conference
On 13-15th September the European Association for Research on Adolescence Conference was held at the University of Ghent, Belgium. On these three days there were many speeches, poster sessions, and keynotes.
Vadim Voskresensky on working at Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society
I have been living in Berlin for the last six months, and it is only now that I can finally say I am more or less at ease with the city.