Транснациональная история образования «снизу»? Рост массового школьного образования в долгом XIX веке
Во вторник, 22 мая в 18:00 состоится пятое заседание Петербургского семинара по истории и антропологии образования.
Йоханнес Вестберг, профессор университета Эребру, выступит с докладом «A Transnational History of Education from Below? The Rise of Mass Schooling in the Long Nineteenth Century».
Рабочий язык семинара — английский.
Аннотация доклада:
The nineteenth century saw the formation and expansion of national systems of education in Europe and North America. School laws, such as the Danish school acts of 1814, the French Guizot law of 1833, the Spanish Moyano law of 1857, the Italian Casati Law of 1859, and the Russian Statute on Elementary Public Schools of 1864, were established, and official statistics reveals various patterns of increasing numbers of schools and teachers.
During the last forty years, increasing efforts have been made to conceptualize and explain these developments. The purpose of this paper is to present the main international and transnational perspectives on the rise of mass schooling in the long nineteenth century, and present prospects for how a transnational perspective can be further developed. The first part of the paper covers the rise of mass schooling in nineteenth century Europe and North America, presenting both vital statistics on enrolment levels and the content of nineteenth century schooling. The second part presents the fundamental approaches to, and conceptualization of, nineteenth century schooling, including Andy Green’s state formation theory, neoinstitutionalist perspectives, and studies of the transfer of school policy and educational models. Based on the two previous parts, and source materials from Swedish local school districts, the third part of the paper will present the possibilities of future research, promoting regional and local case studies as a way of conducting transnational research from below.
Дискутант: Даниил Александров, НИУ ВШЭ — Санкт-Петербург.
Заседание пройдет по адресу: ул. Союза Печатников, д. 16, аудитория 219.
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