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Научные публикации

В этом разделе собраны научные публикации сотрудников Лаборатории. 


Factors Influencing Adolescent Alcohol Consumption: Parents And Depression 

Objectives. Examine the influence of relationships with parents, parental control, and feelings of depression on the frequency of alcohol consumption among adolescents in Russia.
Methods. Structural models are used to examine the influence of these factors on alcohol consumption, which allows us to simultaneously consider the direct influence of the factors and the relationship between the factors themselves. The data of students from 13 vocational 4 schools in St. Petersburg, obtained during the longitudinal project “Health and Risky Behavior of Adolescents”, conducted by the Laboratory of Education and Science of HSE University in St. Petersburg, were used in the study. A total of seven waves of the survey were conducted, which included different theoretical constructs at different stages of the project. This study used data from four waves, in which questions were introduced regarding those factors that were of concern to this paper, namely questions related to adolescents' relationships with their parents, parental control, and feelings of depression.
Results. However, the direct influence of monitoring on adolescent alcohol consumption was significant in Wave 1. But in Wave 6, this influence was insignificant, which can partially be explained by the age of the respondents, most of whom were already adults at the moment of completing the questionnaire in Wave 6. Regarding the relationship with parents, no direct influence on alcohol consumption was detected—only an indirect effect mediated by parental monitoring. The positive correlation between the relationship with parents and the level of monitoring was significant in Waves 1 and 7. The level of depression in adolescents was a significant predictor of drinking behavior only in the model describing alcohol consumption as the frequency of casual drinking. In the models describing binge drinking, this relationship was insignificant. In all models, there was a stable negative relationship between the relationship with parents and depression in adolescents.
Conclusions. First, at the time Wave 5, there is a significant positive influence of Depression on the alcohol consumption of adolescents, but in models describing drinking, this relationship is already insignificant. In some part, these results support the basic premise of Stress Coping theory, which holds that adolescents use alcohol to help cope with stress and depression. The second important finding regarding depression is that emotional attachment to parents significantly reduces adolescents' depression. In other words, the more intimate an adolescent's relationship with their parents, the less their susceptibility to depressive states. These results correspond to Attachment theory which says the quality of attachment to parents 23 may buffer children from potential feelings of emotional stress associated with the many transitions typical of adolescence—the buffering hypothesis.

Входные данные: Валединский П. И., Ivaniushina V. A.Alexandrov D. A.Khodorenko D. K. Factors Influencing Adolescent Alcohol Consumption: Parents And Depression / NRU Higher School of Economics. Series SOC "Sociology". 2023. No. 101.


School structure, bullying by teachers, moral disengagement, and students’ aggression: A mediation model

Цель: Выяснение взаимосвязей между факторами, предсказывающими агрессивное поведение, является приоритетом для программ предотвращения буллинга. Мы исследуем два возможных механизма, связывающих школьную дисциплинарную структуру и агрессивное поведение учащихся: моральное отчуждение и буллинг со стороны учителей. 
Методы: работа проведена на регионально репрезентативной выборке из 213 школ, принимавших участие в исследовании школьного климата в Калужской области РФ в 2019 году. Аналитическая выборка содержала анонимные ответы 16 809 учащихся 6–9 классов (12–15 лет); девочки составляли  51% респондентов. Аналитическая процедура заключалась в моделировании структурными уравнениями
(SEM), метод реализован в программе Mplus 8.7.
Результаты: Модель медиации хорошо соответствует данным, подтверждая, что ясность и справедливость школьных правил негативно предсказывает агрессию школьников, в то время как моральное отчуждение школьников и издевательства со стороны учителей частично опосредует ассоциацию между дисциплинарной структурой и агрессией.
Вывод: мы подтверждаем, что авторитарный школьный климат, характеризующийся четкой и справедливой дисциплинарной структурой, связан со снижением буллинга в школе. Новым результатом является свидетельство о медиирующих механизмах и влиянии агрессии учителей на поведение учащихся. Профилактические программы, направленные на  устранение буллинга и унижения со стороны учителей и снижение морального отчуждения учащихся могут снизить уровень насилия и виктимизации в школе.

Входные данные: Ivaniushina V and Alexandrov D (2022) School structure, bullying by teachers, moral disengagement, and students’ aggression: A mediation model. Front. Psychol. 13:883750. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.883750

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