We report on achievements
The campus management asked to report on the results of work for 2019/2020. We answer with a detailed list of achievements. What do we do in the Laboratory for the Sociology of Education and Science, and what important things have we accomplished over the past academic year?
Published scientific articles on the following topics:
Segregation and Differentiation of Russian Schools
- Valeria Ivaniushina, Makles A., Schneider K., Daniil Alexandrov. School segregation in St. Petersburg - the role of socioeconomic status // Education Economics. 2019. Vol. 27. No. 2.P. 166-185.
https://publications.hse.ru/en/articles/228837558 - Иванюшина В. А., Уильямс Е. П. Трекинг, школьная мобильность и образовательное неравенство // Вопросы образования. 2019. № 4. С. 47-70.
https://publications.hse.ru/articles/323910046 - Савельева С. С. Неравенство успехов и притязаний девятиклассников: уровень локальных образовательных систем // Мониторинг общественного мнения: Экономические и социальные перемены. 2020. Т. 2. С. 212-232.
Peer Influence on Adolescent Alcohol Behavior
Laboratory of Sociology in Education and Science has fully mastered the entire cycle of preparing meta-analyzes, the most important type of contemporary work that summarizes multiple studies in a given field and is usually highly cited. The preparation protocol was registered and published, and then the meta-analysis itself was performed:
- Ivaniushina V. A., Titkova V., Alexandrov D. A. Peer influence in adolescent drinking behavior: a protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis of stochastic actor-based modeling studies // BMJ Open. 2019. Vol. 9.No. 7.P. 1-5.
https://publications.hse.ru/en/articles/302946470 - Ivaniushina V. A., Titkova V., Peer influence in adolescent drinking behavior: a meta-analysis of stochastic actor-based modeling studies. (Article submitted to "PLOS One")
New residential neighborhoods
- Тыканова Е. В., Тенишева К. А. В плену «эффекта соседства»: социальный капитал и активизм в новых анклавных жилищных комплексов // Журнал социологии и социальной антропологии. 2020. Т. 23. № 2. С. 7-35.
Collaborated with authors at international level
The article "High performance cycle in academic setting: Grade goal and self-efficacy mediate the relationship between previous and subsequent performance" by Valeria Ivaniushina, Hiu Tin Leung, Daniel Alexandrov, Kevin John Downing was submitted to the highly ranked scientific journal "Current Psychology" and is under review.
You can find new publications of the Laboratory members in the "Publications" section (https://slon.hse.ru/science) on our website.
Created a blog Pandemic Science Maps
At the height of the epidemic, Daniil Alexandrov and Alla Loseva together with students began to follow the news from the world of science about COVID-19. In the scientific blog you can find publications of reviews and collections of literature on epidemiology, recommendations of important works, as well as monitoring the topic of preprints about the current COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, one section of the blog is devoted to mapping based on the Scopus and Web of Science bibliographic databases. The section is entirely done by students.
In the second half of July, the authors of the blog held two webinars and continue to be active. Science is science, research is research, but bringing scientific knowledge to the masses is one of the goals of the Laboratory members!
Took part in ID Conference
In late October, a large conference on Migration and Diversity (ID Conference) was held in St. Petersburg.
The Laboratory for the Sociology of Education and Science organized a section “Migration, Inequality and Identity”.
The section consisted of three sessions devoted to the problem of adaptation of migrant children. Scientific reports were presented at two sessions. The issues of access to education for migrant children were raised, their problems in schools and support programs that are practiced in Russian schools today were highlighted. The third session was devoted to practical work with migrant children: representatives of the St. Petersburg branch of the Russian Red Cross, the Youth Center from the ANO "Children of Petersburg", the program "Перелетные дети" (Moscow) and the center "Такие же дети" (Moscow) shared their experience.
Organized student research work
Laboratory staff have a record achievement in the 2019/2020 academic year: we organized and initiated the creation of 13 student projects that involved 133 students in scientific and applied tasks. Read more about this in future materials.
Look forward to updates:
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