The Second Seminar of Crash-Course on Network Analysis
The second seminar on network analysis was held at the Laboratory on March, 18, 2011.
The second seminar on network analysis was held at the Laboratory on March, 18, 2011. The methods of data mining for network analysis, single-mode and bipartite networks, the ways of representation of these networks in a table were taught during this class. Also some other concepts were explained. Degree centrality and ego-network were among them.
The participants started to explore “Pajek” that is one of the most popular programs on network analysis and application to it “Excel-to-Pajek”. This program is often used to visualize large volumes of data. During the second class the participants managed to create a network based on the data collected for one of the projects of SESL.
That first network built by those who attended the seminar represented ties of ethnic groups in a popular Russian social network “Vkontakte”. New participants are always welcomed! There are 15 of us already!